Tailoring Your Management Approach to Lead a Multigenerational Marketing Team (Multigenerational Workforce, Part 3)

by Caitlin Grogan

Ever tried balancing a team of Boomers and Gen Zers? It’s like mixing oil and water — except it *can* work, if you know how. 

Let’s be real: different generations want different things. Ignore those differences, and you’ll end up frustrating half your team (and losing the other half). 

So how do you keep everyone rowing in the same direction? 

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Provide Structure and Clear Goals for Boomers 

Boomers thrive on structure and clarity. They want to know exactly where they fit in — and how they’re contributing. 

Outline tasks and goals clearly. Ambiguity? That’s a productivity killer. 

Give them autonomy within a defined framework. Micromanaging? No thanks. 

Make roles and responsibilities transparent. Uncertainty leads to disengagement. 

A structured approach helps Boomers stay focused and motivated, boosting team efficiency. 

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Offer Frequent Check-Ins and Feedback for Gen Z 

Gen Zers crave feedback (and yes, we mean the real-time kind). They’re hungry to learn and grow, and silence only leads to disengagement. 

Schedule short, consistent check-ins. Quick updates keep them engaged. 

Use real-time feedback. Don’t wait for the annual review — address it NOW. 

Incorporate mentorship opportunities. Give them access to role models they can learn from. 

Regular feedback fosters growth and keeps Gen Z aligned with the team’s goals. 

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Be Flexible and Open to Different Working Styles 

Trying to force everyone into the same work style? You’re setting yourself up for failure. 

Understand individual preferences for remote or in-office work. 

Create hybrid schedules that balance team and individual needs. 

Encourage cross-generational collaboration. Mix it up and let them learn from each other. 

Flexibility ensures everyone can work in a way that maximizes productivity and satisfaction. 

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The hard truth? Leading a multigenerational team requires adaptability. 

Emphasizing structure, feedback, and flexibility bridges generational gaps and creates a thriving environment for everyone. 

Encourage your team to embrace differences and leverage each generation’s unique strengths! 


Read More from AARP: 

– Managing Mixed-Age Teams Guide: Guide for managing teams with multiple generations. Link: https://employerportal.aarp.org/age-inclusive-workforce/practice-age-inclusive-management/managing-mixed-aged-teams-guide 

– 10 Principles for Managing Mixed-Age Teams: Further tips for managing age-diverse teams. Link: https://employerportal.aarp.org/age-inclusive-workforce/practice-age-inclusive-management/guide-10-principles-for-managing-mixed-age-teams 

– Understanding the Prism of Age: Article on understanding age diversity in the workplace. Link: https://employerportal.aarp.org/age-inclusive-workforce/practice-age-inclusive-management/article-understanding-the-prism-of-age 

Posted in , Multigenerational Workforce