Create a Sticky Culture (Low Turnover Marketing Team, Part 1)

by Caitlin Grogan

Your “dream team” is eyeing the exits? Never fear! Your corporate culture is here! 

(Insert hollow laugh.) 

Welcome to Part 1 of our series on “How to Build a Low-Turnover Marketing Team in 2025 (and Beyond),” where we’ll begin by facing what might be a squirmingly uncomfortable truth: 

Your culture could be the problem, not the solution. 

Look, we all know that “mandatory fun” team lunches, casual Fridays, and the occasional happy hour don’t magically manufacture loyalty. 

Retention isn’t about perks. 

It’s about purpose. 

Here’s the real deal… 

💀 Misalignment: The silent killer. 

When was the last time you honestly assessed if your team’s day-to-day aligns with your company’s mission? 

Busy work masquerading as strategy breeds resentment faster than you can say “synergy.” 

Example: A content team churning out blog posts that never see the light of day because they don’t align with actual customer needs. Result? Demoralized writers and wasted resources. 

🦺 Real psychological safety means a truly level playing field. 

Sure, you don’t tolerate outright bullying. But do your star players inadvertently silence others? 

Dominance hierarchies form naturally. 

It’s your job to actively dismantle them. 

Example: Your top performer always speaks first in meetings, unintentionally shutting down alternative viewpoints. Combat this by implementing a round-robin approach or anonymous idea submission before discussions. 

🤨 Transparency isn’t optional. 

In the absence of clear communication, people fill in the blanks – usually with worst-case scenarios. 

Example: Share the “why” behind strategic shifts, even when it’s uncomfortable. If budget cuts are looming, address them head-on. Uncertainty breeds anxiety and job-hunting. 

The hard truth? Building a sticky culture means looking in the mirror first. It requires vulnerability, consistent self-reflection, and a willingness to change yourself before expecting change from others. 

Remember, culture isn’t something you can set and forget. It’s a living, breathing entity that needs constant nurturing. Your team isn’t looking for perfection – they’re looking for authenticity and a genuine commitment to growth. 

Next, we’ll tackle the elephant in the room: how to manage workloads when “do more with less” is the constant refrain. Spoiler alert: it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter – and sometimes, it’s about saying no. 

#CultureReset #RetentionReality #MarketingLeadership 

Posted in , Build a Low-turnover Marketing Team in 2025