New Year’s Resolutions From the TorchLight Team

To celebrate the New Year, TorchLight team members offer their 2020 New Year’s resolutions for life and work. Happy New Year from all of us at TorchLight!
Kathryn Bailey, Recruiting Manager
My 2020 advice to job seekers (& those who are happily employed) is to look ahead! Make it a priority to stay informed on industry trends, organizational shifts and external market changes by engaging in conversations with your peers, former colleagues and your current manager to understand what changes may be coming in your field.
For instance, is there a new technology on the horizon? Be prepared for future change by proactively taking a course to learn a new software program or devote time to conducting research online to increase your knowledge. Being well informed, regardless of whether you are in an interview or a cross-functional team meeting, will help you stand out and make a positive impact on your career!
Katie Hart, Account Manager
My New Year’s resolution is to get uncomfortable. We often seek out what is most comfortable to us or what is routine and easy. For me, this year is about finding those challenges or uncomfortable situations and leaning into them instead of avoiding them. Reframing them as a positive experience can make me better and help me grow.
For all us, that includes leaning into moments where you have to give some not so positive feedback with the intention of helping a candidate or client. It can also mean doing more cold calls or other sometimes uncomfortable tasks or taking steps in your personal health like running and meditating.
Julie Lowe, Chief Culture Officer
Where did 2019 go? My New Year’s resolution this year is to stop and smell the roses a little more so that at the end of the year, I am not saying, “Where did the year go, but what a great year this was!” My wish for myself and all professionals is to slow down a bit and spend more quality time with family and friends. Enjoy your co-workers, after all, they are like a second family. Get to know something about them you didn’t know before. Incorporate something peaceful into your world like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga. A calmer and quieter mind and body will help you to be totally present both personally and professionally.
Samantha Nguyen, Marketing and Client Service Manager
My goal for 2020 is to be more in the moment. I will try to focus more energy on enjoying the now and living in the present instead of focusing/worrying about what is next. I want to take more time and appreciate today—it is a gift and that’s why they call it the present.
My 2020 New Year’s resolution for professionals is to take your time as well. Whether it is looking for a new job or a new employee, don’t rush the process. For job seekers, take time to look over your resume and make changes. Take time to research the companies you are applying to. This goes for answering questions during interviews or replying to emails from hiring managers. For hiring managers, take the time to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for in your next employee and don’t make a rush hire. Slow down and vet your candidates to ensure they would be a good fit.
Heidi Parsont, Founder & CEO
My 2020 New Year’s resolution is to reduce waste across the board – plastic, especially – and remember to bring tote bags on every shopping trip. I want to recycle more and buy less. I want to buy only what we need so we waste less. For TorchLight, my resolution is to reduce waste as a company by printing fewer pieces of paper, especially resumes, buying fewer tchotchkes for events, setting up phone meetings instead of in-person to reduce car travel, and decreasing screen time to reduce electricity. In the age of global warming, I think it’s important for all of us to do what we can to decrease our impact on the Earth.
Heather Pederson, Director of Recruiting and Operations
My word and intention for 2020 is “untamed.” In its purest definition, “untamed” means someone or something that is not made less wild or less difficult to control. My focus will be to embrace bravery and be untamed, knowing that the braver I am, the more light and love people will see in me and all that I do. Untamed.
My hope for our candidates in 2020 is that they too are untamed. They actively listen to feedback. They do the hard work of discovering the jobs that bring them joy. And they take the road less traveled by doing something different and being brave. My hope for our clients in 2020 is they too are untamed. They relentlessly seek the best talent and actively listen to their partners. They take a risk on that diamond in the rough candidate—being brave and searching for greatness.
Stephanie Ranno, Vice President of Business Development and Account Management
My intention for 2020 is not an intention at all. Rather it’s action. I spent 2019 focused on growing in understanding, confidence, and relationships. This year is the year to put that knowledge – those intentions and relationships – into ACTION.
I’ve been talking about writing a business/product plan for nine months and on Sunday, January 5th, I stopped “intending” to do it and I did it. I started. I acted.
My hope for every candidate and client is that this year is a year of ACTION for you as well. You go for that promotion, apply for your dream job, and make time for the gym. You prepare those healthy meals, read those books on your nightstand, and build your dream team. Turn your intentions into action.
Julie Rutherford, Marketing Director
My 2020 New Year’s resolution is to increase my focus, both professionally and personally. That means listening more, multitasking less and spending more time each morning to center myself and organize the day. In today’s hyper-stimulated environment, my hope for all professionals, parents, and people in general is the ability to do the same and hopefully experience more enjoyment in their life and work.
Jen Todd, Sr. Manager, Client Services
I would say organization is the key to success in your New Year job search. Prior to setting out-make sure your resume is updated and proofread by several sets of eyes. Have a list of professional references ready to go. Make a list of what you want and don’t from your next company. Keep a list of roles you’ve applied for. Nothing frustrates a recruiter more than for a job seeker that has no idea what role they applied for.
Amy Tsuchitani, Account Director
Inspired by the book Atomic Goals by James Clear, my resolution is to take small actions each day to achieve big outcomes over time. I tend to get overwhelmed by having to attack a big task all at once. My 2020 goal is to plan outcomes I want to see throughout the year and then chip away at them day by day.
In a professional setting, this technique can help anyone who wants to tackle something new but feels overwhelmed by the commitment. Don’t have time to take a two-day professional development course? Why not find an online webinar and listen to 10-15 minutes/day. There are countless ways to incorporate small changes into your daily professional life.
What are your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions?
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