4 Reasons to Develop a Weekly Video Q&A Series

Have you ever considered using your team to create a video Q&A series for your audience? Your team is one of your most valuable assets. After all, they have extensive knowledge about your industry and accomplish tasks that help propel the business forward.
Showcasing your staff as thought leaders in their area can be incredibly beneficial for the company. It allows the organization to highlight the level of expertise within their ranks, increasing overall credibility.
But your customers won’t automatically know how skilled your team is unless you decide to share their perspective openly. One easy way to do that is with video Q&As that can be placed on your website or added to your social media pages.
Whether you have people in formal communications jobs in DC or want to give it a try yourself, here are four reasons to develop a weekly video Q&A series featuring your team.
Showcase Expertise
One of the easiest ways to highlight your team’s level of expertise is to allow them to field questions within their niche. The content could speak to common customer inquiries, an overview of certain processes or anything else that enables the worker to shine.
The intention is to give your employee an outlet to draw attention to their level of knowledge and experience while also being a positive reflection on the company. Just make sure the information is valuable, inspirational or interesting to your target audience.
Address Customers
Video can be an excellent platform to further customer service goals. For example, a Q&A focused on how to get the most out of your product or service could enlighten viewers to options they didn’t know were available.
Similarly, using a video series to do a Q&A can increase engagement and make the content more interesting while introductory how-to videos can assist with common tasks, like product set up.
Creating a Connection
If your business is focused on a product instead of a service, it’s possible your customers don’t have a personal connection with the company. While service-oriented organizations often must engage with buyers, products can be purchased online without a single interaction with an employee.
By producing Q&A videos in a series, you can craft a personal connection without direct interaction. Customers get to see there are real people behind the products, which may make your company more relatable.
This can also help from a hiring perspective. Since your employees are the ones speaking, they can help showcase your company culture with videos about everything from the setting chosen to how their personalities shine through.
Making Easy Video Q&A Series’
Recording a quality video for your Q&A series is actually pretty easy thanks to many of the technologies available to nearly everyone today. With a decent smartphone camera, a simple backdrop, proper lighting and an editing app, you can accomplish the task in mere minutes (aside from actual recording time).
Two our top recommends apps for recording social media video? Clips and FiLMiCPro
Ultimately, developing a weekly Q&A video series isn’t difficult, and it can provide your company with a number of benefits, making it entirely worth the effort.
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