Why Haven’t They Called?
When you’ve aced the interview but haven’t received a response, patience and persistence are key

It’s happened to even the most seasoned of D.C.’s marketing and communications job seekers. Why haven’t they called?
You have a great interview for a marketing job you’re really interested in. You had lively rapport with the hiring manager and your experience is strong. Also, you know your past colleagues will give glowing reviews.
But then…crickets.
Why haven’t you heard from the hiring company?
As one of the leading marketing search and staffing firms in DC, we understand how frustrating this can be. (Believe us, we want to see you get hired, too!) But sometimes there’s more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.
As recruiters, we will keep you informed as much as we can. But sometimes even we don’t fully know what’s going on behind the scenes.
Here are some common reasons, though, that the hiring company may not be getting back to you right away:
There are more people to interview, including internal candidates.
Companies are often required to interview and consider internal candidates first. Sometimes an internal candidate surfaces toward the end of the interview process and must be given priority consideration.
The position hasn’t yet been approved.
If it’s a new position, the company may still be determining the details—Is the role still in the budget? Is upper management dragging its feet on approving the position? Are politics playing a role in its approval?
Coordinating among the internal team is taking time.
If multiple people are involved in the interview process, it takes time to collect feedback from all key decision makers.
Interviews are being coordinated with people from out of town.
Particularly for higher-level positions or those requiring a specialized skill set, some candidates may be coming from out of town. Likewise, some of the company’s key decision makers may be traveling. They may come from other offices to sit in on the interview, or travel regularly and have limited availability. Coordinating schedules and travel logistics takes time.
The position is on hold or the scope has changed.
Sometimes a senior leader decides to put the position on hold or change it entirely. This could be either because of budget constraints or a shift in priorities.
It is a difficult—or prominent—position to fill and they want to compare candidates before making a decision.
This is particularly true when the stakes are high.
Likewise, it’s also possible that the company has only one or two candidates and wants additional ones to consider.
They may not want to hire the “first” good candidate they meet, even if the person is a good fit.
The company is in the middle of a big event or initiative that is taking everyone’s time and focus.
In this case, the interview or decision to hire is often put on hold until the priority project has concluded.
Still wondering why haven’t they called? If it’s been a few weeks, and you haven’t heard anything, feel free to send a short note to the hiring manager. Politely ask if they need anything else from you–and reiterate your interest in the job. If you don’t hear anything at that point, you’ll need to wait it out until they get back with you.
So the next time you’re waiting, waiting and still waiting for a response, don’t worry. It may have nothing at all to do with you, your brilliance or your ability to do a good job—and it may have everything to do with your willingness to be patient and persistent.
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