How Do DC Marketing Teams Define Social Media Success? The Key is to Match Social Tactics to Business Goals

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses, allowing companies to directly connect with their customers and fans. After all, approximately 69 percent of all Americans use some form of social media. It’s one reason why digital marketing and social media marketing experts are in high demand here in DC. That said, how do you define social media success?
A company’s social media platforms also provide a mechanism for supporting customers after the sale. It’s answering questions and responding to customer inquiries, and even advertising products and services.
But it isn’t always easy to tell if these efforts are successful.
How you define social media success depends on a number of factors. That said, your company goals play a large part in the determination. If you are working to align your social media strategy with your business goals, follow these tips.
Dig in With Analytics
If you aren’t using data analytics to monitor your social media accounts, you’re missing out. You likely don’t have a clear picture regarding what is and what isn’t engaging your customers. Systems like Google Analytics, Klout or Social Media Monitor (originally created by Wildfire) let you view a range of information in real time. The platforms provide demographic information for your visitors, how they landed on your page and which pieces of content are the most popular.
Now, it’s important not to get lost in the analytics. Instead, use it broadly to identify themes and trends, such as which portions of the population are engaging with your content, the types of content they favor, and how successful your communications are in the end.
Understand What You are Trying to Accomplish
You can’t define social media success if you haven’t outlined what you are hoping to achieve by using the platforms. Are you looking to increase your total number of customers? Reach a new market? Lower your advertising costs? Provide better customer service?
Until you narrow down what you are trying to accomplish, it will be impossible to determine whether your efforts are a success. Use the analytics information most relevant to your scenario, allowing you to monitor your progress as you move towards your goal.
Strategize Based on Your Goals
Now that you’ve reviewed some analytics information and understand what you are trying to achieve, you can use that information to create a more effective strategy designed to make your goals a reality. This could include prioritizing certain kinds of posts, adjusting your ad campaign or even dedicating a larger portion of your workforce to social media management.
Ultimately, how you define social media success is up to you, as each company’s situation is entirely unique. By following the tips above, you can get a solid picture of where you are today, where you want to go, and how you can get there.
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