Our Commitment to the Black Lives Matter Movement
TorchLight Hire stands with the Black Lives Matter movement.

At TorchLight, we are committed:
- To discovering how we can better support the Black Lives Matter movement.
- To listening to different voices so we can continue to learn and begin to understand the message.
- To empathizing and learning how we can help.
- To speaking up when we see injustice rather than remaining silent.
- To confronting our fears of saying something wrong.
- To imparting kindness whenever and wherever we can.
- To recognizing that we don’t have the answers but can be part of the solution.
- To being human.
To learn more on how to support Black Lives Matter and marginalized groups in your community, check out these resources:
- Register to vote and confirm you are registered online
- Read over community-made resource pages and guides:
- PB Resources, a site created and maintained by Black women
- Ally Resource Guide, a document full of organizations, actions, and content
- Talking Points, a document detailing how best to confront racism in conversation
- Anti-Racism Guide, a document intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents engaging in anti-racism work
- Donate to funds and organizations:
- List of BLM funds and organizations from GLAAD, an LGBTQ+ non-profit
- The Center for Black Equity, a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of Black LGBTQ+ people by building a global network of LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, and community-based organizations
- List of other places to donate to in support of Black Lives Matter
- Search on Google or Yelp for Black-owned businesses near you. Cities will often have directories explicitly for this purpose, like this one for Black-owned businesses in Charlottesville, Virginia.
- Sign petitions in support of Black Lives Matter and the Black community as a whole
- Review protest guides:
- Know Your Rights by the ACLU
- Protesting Safety and Preparation by WIRED Magazine
Have questions about TorchLight’s diversity initiatives? Read over our diversity statement and feel free to email us or reach out on LinkedIn.
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