Boost Your Job Search: Maximizing Visibility with LinkedIn’s Resume-Sharing Feature
The job market is pretty challenging right now for candidates. It’s tough out there and burnout can creep up on you fast after sending out tons of resumes and cover letters and hearing little to nothing back. As a candidate, you obviously want to make yourself as visible as possible to potential employers and recruiters, especially on LinkedIn. Hopefully, you’ve optimized your LinkedIn profile to the max (and if you haven’t or want to double-check, check out our LinkedIn planner for detailed recommendations). Don’t stop there though – LinkedIn’s resume-sharing feature can actually do wonders for your visibility to recruiters with just the press of a button!
Turning it on
It is very similar to the #opentowork feature that allows you to signal to recruiters that you’re open to work opportunities without your boss seeing it. This setting allows you to share your resume with recruiters without putting it on your LinkedIn profile. If you head over to the “Jobs” section and click on “Application settings” on the bottom left, you’ll see the option to “Share your resume data with all recruiters.” Make sure to upload the most recent version of your resume and click the toggle to start sharing your resume. This way, recruiters can automatically? view skills and experiences from your saved resumes when they search and view profiles.
Keywords, keywords, keywords
You are probably aware of the importance of having keywords in your resume and LinkedIn profile. If you want recruiters to come across your resume in their searches then you have to make sure you have target keywords related to your areas of expertise.
Our recruiting experts recommend that you specifically highlight the tools/technology you know in your profile (i.e. Salesforce, Marketo and others) so that your resume appears for those keywords when they search. Often, hiring managers are very particular about the tools candidates must know for a position, so it’s important that you list all the programs you have used before, including the level of proficiency.
For more tips on utilizing keywords to your advantage, check out our blog on that.
So what?
This feature isn’t just helpful for those who are actively looking for a job – it’s also a great way for those who are passively searching for a job (or even just thinking about moving) to get on recruiters’ radar. Your employer won’t be able to see that you’ve turned it on but recruiters for your potential dream job will be able to view your resume and maybe even reach out to you! In fact, it’s a great idea for everyone to turn it on even if they aren’t actively in the job search market.
The job market right now is challenging, and candidates need to maximize their visibility on LinkedIn. The resume-sharing feature allows discreet sharing with recruiters, improving the chances of getting noticed. Including relevant keywords and highlighting tools and technologies in profiles is crucial. This feature benefits both active and passive job seekers, making it a valuable tool for all LinkedIn users.
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