Diversity, equity and inclusion are critical elements of organizational success and employee satisfaction. From gender, race and sexual orientation to neurodiversity, age and others, it’s important to find ways to make sure you create a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can contribute.
> Women Business Owners Series
Check out our series featuring female business owners:
- Liz Whitehead, Diversity Masterminds and 12PointFive
- Moneek Pines-Elliot, ARTrageous Brush and Flow
- Patty Solis, Diverza Activewear
- Lilly Harris, Man-Machine Systems Assessment
- Denita R. Conway, PROVEN Management
- Katelyn Montgomery, Worldgate, LLC
- Lisa and Kimberly Serrano, Finishing Touch Painting
- Del Lim, Del the Grocery Gal
- Laura Gross, Scott Circle Communications
- Jennifer Collins, JDC Events
- Karen Blackwell, Kanda Chocolates
> Disability Inclusion and Accessibility: An Interview with Catarina Rivera
As part of Disability Employment Awareness Month, we spoke with Catarina Rivera, disability inclusion consultant, speaker and self-advocate. Check out her advice for disabled candidates and employees – and ways allies can help support disabled people in the workplace.
> Disability Employment Podcast: Hard truths and hope from veteran recruiters
Watch and listen as TorchLight’s Julie Lowe and Stephanie Ranno share their thoughts and perspectives on disability employment.
> Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is the future of work
A true corporate commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goes way beyond hashtags and brown bag lunches. From hiring and management to product development and more, Diversity and Inclusion are more important than ever to organizational success.
> LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace
Check out our series on LGBTQ+ inclusive business practices:
- Patrick R Nelson on supporting your LGBTQ+ employees
- Mark Lowe’s workplace recommendations
- TorchLight Pride Series 2022
- Michael Dumlao on LGBTQ+ inclusion at work
- David Brown’s workplace recommendations
> The Confidence Gap: How Imposter Syndrome disproportionately affects women
Plenty of people experience what’s known as the Imposter Syndrome. Read on to learn what you can do about feelings of inadequacy in the workplace associated with it.
> What to Do About Unconscious Gender Bias
Gender bias continues to persist in the workplace and impacts the ability of women to contribute and grow professionally. Here are some examples of unconscious gender bias and what to do about them.
> Gender Discrimination Is Still a Hiring Problem in the Pandemic
Women accounted for 100% of jobs lost in December 2020 because of their gender alone. Why? How can organizations change that?
> Women on the move–some encouraging statistics
Despite the challenges of gender bias, women nonetheless show progress in a number of important areas like education, earnings and career growth. See more details in this interesting infographic.
> Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Interview Series
Read our 3 part Interview with Jennifer Tardy, Career Success Coach and Certified Diversity Executive and Practitioner. In this series, she touches upon obstacles in the hiring system and how embedded biases can hinder your hiring process. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3