Our 2023 New Year’s Resolutions

by Susan Mullin

What are you looking forward to in the New Year? What are you ready to leave behind?

As we look ahead to 2023 our team is hoping to make some changes – whether that’s to be more present, mix up our routines, live in the moment or many others. Here’s what different members of the TorchLight team said about their 2023 New Year’s Resolutions…

Heidi Parsont, CEO and Founder

My 2023 New Year’s resolution is to block off time on my calendar every day for some form of exercise. It’s also to teach my son how to drive, so he can take on my driving responsibilities for him and his sister and I can retire from my 2nd job – unpaid Uber driver.

Julie Lowe, Chief Culture Officer

Most years I do the traditional New Year’s Resolution, you know the one: I will eat better, exercise more, find balance, etc.  This year I am going to give myself a break and do what I normally do, which is to stop and reflect on the last day of the year thinking about all the things that went well and that could have been better.  But rather than make some pact to myself of change, I am just going to reflect more often and give myself permission to be selfish sometimes because in order to give to others I need to be able to give and sometimes forgive myself too.  Ahh – peace from within is the goal.  Oh, and World Peace too 😊.

Kim Trucano, HR Manager

My resolution is simple—My days, weeks, years seem to be flying by, and I’m determined to take a breath and slow down and try to actually enjoy every day before it’s gone

Amy Tsuchitani, Account Director

My New Year’s resolution is to practice consistent mindfulness and take breaks to stand, stretch, breathe, and reflect throughout the day. 😉

Yeabsera Jirata, Business Development Specialist

My New Year’s resolution is to read 1 book every week.

Julie Rutherford, Senior Marketing Director

The upcoming year is a huge transition for us, as my oldest son goes away (and maybe far away) to college.  I want to make sure I take it all in and enjoy this time, so my resolutions will hopefully help me do that:

  1. Count my blessings (and then count them again)
  2. Breathe deeply
  3. Spend more time in the sun (vitamin D people!)

Diana Gardner, Account Director

I plan on training again to get back on stage (bodybuilding competition) and adding more meditation into my routine(s). As for what I’m leaving behind in 2022 – a solid year of growth, risk-taking, connections, and new journeys – all of which I’m extremely grateful for.

Stephanie Ranno, VP of Business Development & Account Management

My resolution—commitment—promise for 2023 is to find more times throughout the day, week, month, and year to really unplug. I know time to reset and refresh will make me a better manager—colleague—mother—wife—and friend. I know it will make me more creative—more level-headed in my decision-making. And I also know it’s a lot easier to think—write—and say it—then live it.

Looking for more resolution inspiration? Here’s what our team said going into 2020, and our top resolutions for both hiring managers and job seekers!

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